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Due to bad weather forecasted for March 8, event is rescheduled to Saturday, March 11. Unfortunately, Credit Union of Texas is unable to attend Saturday due to a prior commitment. Free lunch will not be provided. We welcome you to bring your own picnic. Tickets will automatically transfer to Saturday. 

Springtime on the farm is special with new life blooming in the garden and animals celebrating the warmer weather. Reserve your spot today at Springtime on the Farm with your family or small group.

  • Wagon rides
  • Meet the Blacksmith
  • Wilson House tours 
  • Plowing the field (if field dry)
  • Meet the animals
  • Wash laundry using a hand pump
  • Grinding corn and feed the chickens
  • Play games from the past
  • Milk Buttermilk, our magnificent milking machine
  • Storytimes at 10:15am, 10:45am, 11:15am, and 11:45am

10am-12pm Grounds open until 2pm

$10 per child (12 years or under)

$5 per adult

Tickets must be purchased in advance. 

Siblings who are under 2 years old and not participating are free

Contact education@heritagefarmstead.org with questions.